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Planning Board Minutes 03/05/1998




MARCH 5, 1998

PRESENT: Chairman Tracy Scott, Jeff Andrews, Stan Brehm, Ted Bailey, Harold Arey, Dave Bickert, Ron Lesieur and Secretary Andrea Deachman.

Chairman Scott called the meeting to order at 7:00pm and requested the Board to review the minutes of February 2, 1998.

Motion was made to accept the minutes with one minor change.

                        Andrews/Adams           (Passed)

PRELIMINARY &                           Bill Harris/Harris Family Furniture
PUBLIC HEARINGS:                        Site Review Addition to Building and Parking area
                                                Map 4, Lot 15, Dover Rd.

Mr. Harris presented the Board with pictures of the site.  Thomas True, Professional Engineer presented the Board with plans of proposed additions.

There was discussion about the number of parking spaces, the existing paved spaces are 24 and another 14 graveled for a total of 38 parking spaces, ITE recommends 24 for a furniture business our site review regulations would make this lot one big parking area.

Note:  Parking calculations are valid for continued use as furniture sales/warehouse only.  Any change in use i.e. other than furniture sales/warehouse, requires Planning Board review and approval.

Motion to accept the plan with the addition of the above note, fire department approval and engineer’s stamp, or what ever necessary to record at registry of deeds.

                        Andrews/Arey            (Passed)

PRELIMINARY&                    Mark Drew/R. Shaw & G. Hatch Owners
PUBLIC HEARINGS:                Lot Line Adjustment
                                        Map 4, Lot 26, Dover/Horse Corner Roads


Mr. Drew Holds Power Of Attorney from the owners to proceed with these hearings.

Abutters present:  Robert Shaw, Joann & Larry Leppard and Mark & Robert McNichol.

Peter Holden from Holden Engineering presented the Board with a plan of lot line adjustment and explained to the Board the reasoning for the adjustment.

In the Zoning under commercial uses, general requirements #4. States,  Residential uses shall have the minimum lot size determined in the same manner as with the Zoning Districts outside of the Commercial-Industrial/Multi-family Zone (Article IIC); that is, to coincide with the soil lines shown in the Merrimack County Soil Survey, issued June, 1965.

This would place the residential lot into a non-conforming lot.  In the Zoning under Non-Conforming uses page 12 states:  It shall apply to an alteration or expansion of a non-conforming use or building which by reason of such alteration or expansion is made substantially different from the non-conforming use or condition existing prior to the alteration or expansion.

Motion recommend the lot line adjustment, this is not a substantial change.

                        Arey/Brehm              (Passed)

PRELIMINARY HEARING:                    Mark Drew/G. Hatch Owner
                                                Site Review, Gas Station - Convenience Store
                                                Map 4, Lot 26, Dover/Horse Corner Roads

Peter Holden from Holden Engineering presented plans for the gas station - convenience store and also some kind of fast food area such as subway or the likes of.  

There is more than adequate parking, buffers are all set, septic will be stone and pipe.

Ultimately a 24 hour operation but maybe not to start with.

Some concerns were traffic coming off of Route 4  and the run off of water into the town fire pond.

The Board required that they meet with the Town Engineer on the run off, moving driveway, culvert and  traffic concerns.  Septic System approval and District 5 approval.

Motion was made to accept the preliminary plan.

                        Arey/Brehm              (Passed)


Let it be noted that Mr. Drew was disturbed at the fact that this was only a preliminary hearing and made several comments to Board members of his discontent and outrage.

DISCUSSION:                     Edward Timpson
                                        Proposed right of way                   NO SHOW
                                        Map 2, Lot 61 - land locked

DISCUSSION:                     Michele & Jim Plunkett
                                        Map 8, Lot 23, Bear Hill Road

Jim Plunkett presented the Board with a drawing of what they intend to subdivide.  They are waiting for their surveyor to start the project.

Preliminary hearing set for April 2, 1998

DISCUSSION:                     Mark McNichol/Crossroads II Corp
                                        Map 4, Lot 167, Dover Road

Mr. McNichol presented the Board with plans for the addition, he will have a small donut shop with drive thru in part of the addition.

The Board was in agreement that this is not a significant change of use to the property because they already sell coffee and donuts now.

The Board requests a mylar and 5 copies of the new plan with septic approval to be recorded.

Motion was made as to where this is not a significant change of use it is not necessary to go to public hearing.

                        Arey/Bailey             (Passed)

REVIEW:                                 Town Capitol Improvement Plan

The Board reviewed the Capitol Improvement Plan .

Motion was made to accept the plan.

                        Andrews/Bailey          (Passed)


DISCUSSION:                     Beth Adams/Peter Arvanitis
                                        Map 7, Lot 17, Ferrin Rd.

Mr. Arvanitis presented the Board with old plans and a sketch of the property with the line for the subdivision.  They are waiting for their surveyor to start project.  They will contact Secretary Deachman if not ready of Preliminary/Public Hearing April 2, 1998.

DISCUSSION:                     Lewis Marston
                                        Self Storage Building
                                        Map 8, Lot 51, Route 28

Mr. Marston presented the Board with a plan and explained where he would like to place the building with about 20-25 units.  There will be no office on the premises he will run the business from his home across the street.

The Board has sent Mr. Marston to the Board of Adjustment because this is not a permitted use in the towns zoning.  Chairman Scott will call the Board of Adjustment to get some sort of idea as to whether or not they would hear this case and then call Mr. Marston.  If the ZBA feels this is a planning issue then Mr. Marston will need the following:

Site review, Driveway check with District 5 and a surveyor to do a mylar.

DISCUSSION:                             Campers Inn, Inc.
                                                Site Review
                                                Map 4, Lot 166, Dover Rd.

Peter Holden - Holden Engineering presented proposed plan for this lot.

Preliminary Hearing set for April 2, 1998.

Motion was made to adjourn.

                Arey/Andrews                    (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 10:00pm

                                                Respectfully submitted,